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Modern Developments in Company Abuse – Seminar Report from Aarhus University Seminar on Abuse of Companies 14.–15.11.2018

Kärki, Anssi

Liikejuridiikka 1/2019 s. 109–121
Muu kirjoitus


In November, the University of Aarhus arranged a seminar on company abuse. The seminar was built around an upcoming book from Kluwer Law International called Abuse of Companies. The central theme of the book is abuse of the companies and the different forms it takes in the modern legal environment. The speakers in the seminar were also writers for sections of the book. This article aims to raise awareness of these modern forms of abuse, describe their basic structure, introduce the ongoing research on them, and provide some insight on the issues. There were eight forms of abuse discussed in the seminar: money laundering, abusing free movement, abuse of posted worker status, abuse of jurisdictional rules, phoenix companies, digital abuse, shadow directors, and abuses in capital market law. In addition, the veil piercing remedy to abuses was also presented. This short article will focus on the abuse themes.


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