Edilexissä tehdään teknisiä huoltotöitä perjantaina 3.5.2024 klo 7.00 alkaen. Palvelun hakutoiminnot ovat pois käytöstä n. klo 8.00 asti. Pahoittelemme huoltokatkosta aiheutuvaa haittaa.


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Employees’ Privacy and Employers’ Power of Control Between the Italian Legal System and Supranational European Sources

Tebano, Laura

Liikejuridiikka 3/2017 s. 8–25


The paper examines the Italian reform which has modified Article 4 of the law n. 300/1970 (so-called Statute of workers) regarding remote monitoring devices used on workers and moves on to assess the impact of this reform on the ban of opinion polls, as sanctioned by Art. 8 of the law n. 300/1970 (so-called “Knowledge checks”). In the presentation of the latest regulation, the paper also contains an analysis of the relationship between the new rules about employers’ power of control and the legislation concerning data protection. In this light the paper gives details about the European and International framework, especially considering the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. (Edilex-toimitus)


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