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Towards a ‘Lex Sportiva’?

Blackshaw, Ian

Urheilu ja oikeus 2011 s. 9–26


The author discusses whether there is such a thing as ‘sports law’ and how the jurisprudence of the Court of Arbitration for Sport can be seen as having contributed to the development of a ‘Lex Sportiva’. He examines the general principles underscore the emerging jurisprudence CAS and compares the developing ‘Lex Sportiva’ to ‘Lex Mercatoria’ in an endeavour to define the nature of ‘sports law’. The author concludes his analysis by looking at the difficulties faced by CAS in its desire to develop a ‘Lex Sportiva’: the difficult task of balancing legal certainty and the interests of the parties to keep the matter confidential.

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