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Artificial Intelligence in Sports: Legal Implications and Future Prospects

Laakkonen, Ida

Urheilu ja oikeus 2023 s. 149–175


High expectations are often placed on the power of Artificial Intel­ligence (AI) without evaluating the extensive implications. AI is transforming the global sports industry with predictive data analysis to enhance performance and decision-making. While AI can improve accuracy, efficiency, and fairness, it can compromise privacy rights and personal data protection and perpetuate biases and discrimination. Although the use of AI in sports has many potential benefits, this article will look at the technological advancements from a different perspective by conveying the importance of protecting athletes’ fundamental and human rights.

This article aims to analyse the primary applications of AI currently used in sports to identify the main recurrent risks and negative con­sequences to athletes and society from a legal perspective. The article will provide a literature-based overview of some of the most com­monly used applications of AI in sports and highlight the most crucial legal risks related to AI technology. Identifying these legal challenges would enable us to draft a framework for AI governance in sports that respects fundamental and human rights. In Section 2, the definitions will be clarified. Section 3 will introduce how AI systems are used for pre- and post-game analysis to prevent and manage injuries, enhance performance by tailoring individualised training programs and improve strategic planning. Section 4 will cover how in-game uses of AI tech­nology, combined with cameras and sensors embedded in equipment, assist officials with faster and more accurate decision-making. Section 5 will examine how AI systems combined with profiling and automated decision-making can be used for talent identification, recruitment, and team selection. Section 6 reflects on the future of AI in sports.



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