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Fragmented State Power and Forced Migration – Study on Non-State Actors in Refugee Law (Lectio praecursoria)

Nykänen, Eeva

Oikeus 2/2012 s. 279–282
Muu kirjoitus


The author analyses the content of the legal obligations on the international protection of persons facing threats emanating from third parties. The dissertation examines the question: How does the legal regime on the protection of forced migrants deal with claims that are based on violations emanating from non-state actors? The author seeks to understand the different understandings of the issue of non-state actors that are expressed in the legal discourse. The dissertation then examines the question: What do the different ways of responding to claims by persons who flee violations inflicted by non-state actors reveal about the underlying assumptions of the regime on international protection? Thirdly the author engages in a process of developing interpretative frameworks that could help us better respond to the needs of persons fleeing harm stemming from non-state actors.

The text is based on Eeva Nykänen’s lectio praecursoria, held at the public examination of her doctoral dissertation at the University of Turku, 15 October 2011. Professor Jens Vedsted-Hansen from the University of Aarhus acted as opponent.


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