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Elihu Root and International Legalism: Legalist Remarks on Collective Security and American Realism

Lihr, Tuomas

Helsinki Law Review 1/2014 s. 63–92


Elihu Root was the paragon of the legalist era in American foreign policy, which saw the strengthening of international law and institutions as the keys to world peace. Legalists deemed law and courts as best suited to settle the conflicts arising from irrational power politics in world affairs. This article examines the League of Nations and United Nations collective security systems, as well as American standpoints on them, from a Rootist perspective. By assessing the two systems through legalist eyes, the writer hopes to highlight some controversial areas of both collective security and American foreign policy today. In the process, the study serves as an illustration of the influence ideologies and political projects have had in shaping the American relationship with the wider world. (Edilex-toimitus)

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