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Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change from a Global, North-European and Finnish Perspective

Nordberg, Eero Henrik

Ympäristöjuridiikka 3/2012 s. 54–89


Agriculture is a sector which already has during the last century adapted autonomously to the happened modest climate warming, at least in Finland. Adaptation measures in the EU and thus Finnish agriculture has been developed, as this article tries to show, in a view of precautionary approach. Because of the nature of agriculture both as an object of the impacts of climate change and partly as one of the GHG emissioners, there is in agriculture at the same time need for both mitigation of the GHG emissions and adaptive actions, as well as for carbon sequestration. At a global level, however, adaptation is only a complementary policy against climate change to the mitigation of GHG emissions at global level. The mitigation however faces lasting problems, because among others of so called free-rider countries and many countries’ hardness in helping others, i.e. developing countries, or even themselves to succeed in the global fight against the climate change.

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