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Climate change law and policy in Ireland

Kennedy, Rónán

Ympäristöjuridiikka 3/2011 s. 66–83


The Irish response to climate change seems to have gone through four distinct stages. The first stage, commencing with the first Government Strategy in 2000, included a mix of proposed policies in an attempt to reduce carbon emissions across the economy. The second stage seems to have been a retreat from this strategy and a return to ‘business as usual’. The third stage began with a new National Strategy document issued in 2007. The fourth stage was an effort by the Minister for the Environment to pass legislation dealing with climate change abatement targets. This has failed as a result of general political turmoil in Ireland. The shape and direction of the fifth stage is not yet clear. The article inroduces the Irish response to climate change, climate change legislation including emissions trading, carbon taxation, fuel and energy efficiency measures and consumer information requirements as well as future aspects of climate change law and policy in Ireland.

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