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The Increasing Control by the French State of the Water Rights Linked to the Private Property with the Support and under the Supervision of the EU Commission

Sironneau, Jacques

Ympäristöjuridiikka 1/2009 s. 37–44


Since the French Revolution, very protective of the individual property and of the rights to use connected to it (such as the right for a riverside resident to use the water flowing through his estate or for the owner of the soil to extract groundwater), the trend ahs been both the gradual and ceaseless restriction brought by the Law to these individual water rights on behalf of the general interest and correlatively the strengthening of the powers of the Central State in the field of the water resources management. While a lot of farmers are still considering that the property of the ground implies the property of the waters it contains, France faces a growing pressure, mainly due to the irrigation needs, over the water resources and the aquatic ecosystem and has to promote a more sustainable water management.

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