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How does law deal with water needs, resources management and priorities – Water-related principles and changing realities in a global context?

Hollo, Erkki J.

Ympäristöjuridiikka 1/2009 s. 7–21


Water law is one of the oldest legal fields of societal activity. The need of water for households, municipalities, and agriculture is very similar in most countries, which gives a certain global touch to the diversified regulatory system of water law. Rights and corresponding responsibility for water resources have a long tradition where economic and power-related arguments have been introduced. Not only national law but also international and bilateral rules concerning management of transboundary waters are of great importance. Depending on the location of States in relation to a river or a lake, the vulnerability of interests of related States varies. In terms of modern water law: a water basin or a water body stands in the centre of legal analysis.

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