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Promoting Green Buildings Through Structural Incentives in the Finnish Land Use and Planning System

Utter, Robert

Ympäristöjuridiikka 2/2013 s. 10–29


A remarkable amount of greenhouse gas emissions and final energy consumption is caused by the building sector in the European Union. Thus, green building is an essential tool to mitigate climate change. Green building generally refers to a structure that is environmentally friendly and resource efficient (including energy, water and other resources) within the entire span of the structure’s life-cycle, i.e. from design, construction, use, maintenance, renovation, to final decommissioning/demolition. This article examines structural incentives for green building with inspiration and examples from the U.S and presents ideas on how incentives could be used in the Finnish land use and planning system. Finally, the author discusses the issue from a state aid perspective.

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