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Need for speed? Meeting the new recycling targets for plastics

Turunen, Topi – Räisänen, Milja – Kautto, Petrus

Ympäristöjuridiikka 1/2022 s. 39–51


The regulatory framework governing plastic, plastic products and their recovery significantly affects the life cycle of plastic materials. This article presents the regulatory themes that emerged in expert interviews regarding the regulatory environment affecting plastics recycling. It discusses the possible ways to address the issues related to them. The identified themes are discussed under three categories: recycling plastic waste, single-use plastics, and affecting the recovery of plastics through product design.

The complex, rapidly changing regulatory environment for plastics creates uncertainty within the plastic industry. Nevertheless, the recycling targets are tightening which creates a need for quick responses from the industry. More efficient recovery of plastics could be promoted through regulation concerning product design: either through ecodesign framework or through enacting ecomodulation aspect withing the existing extended producer responsibility schemes. Demand for recycled plastics will be created with instruments such as minimum requirements for recycled plastic content for different product groups. However, creating demand for recycled plastics will not solve the problems faced by recyclers (e.g., complex product design and harmful additives). In the end, the article offers recommendations for plastic industry actors on how to operate in this constantly altering environment and reach the shifting recycling targets.

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