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Puutteelliset hakuehdot

Agreements between the Republic of Finland and Bermuda (as authorised by Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) for incoming taxation (exchange of information, double taxation on individuals, double taxation with ships or aircrafts, associated enterprises)

Agreement between the Republic of Finland and Bermuda (as authorised by Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) on the exchange of information with respect to taxes (SopS 86–87/2009)

Whereas the Government of the Republic of Finland welcomes the conclusion of this Agreement with the Government of Bermuda, which represents an important step in delivering the commitment it made to the OECD in 2000 to respect the principles of transparency and exchange of information. The Government of the Republic of Finland considers that this Agreement demonstrates Bermuda’s commitment to high standards for effective exchange of information with respect to both criminal and civil taxation matters within an acceptable timeline, consistent with the aims and objectives of the OECD Global Forum on Taxation. The Government of the Republic of Finland recognizes that Bermuda is committed to combating tax abuse by putting in place mechanisms which enhance transparency;

Whereas the Government of the Republic of Finland recognizes that this Agreement is an important contribution to meeting the need for countries to develop a global information exchange network to combat effectively international tax evasion;

Whereas by entering into the Agreement, the Government of the Republic of Finland recognizes that, according to the OECD criteria, Bermuda is not considered to be engaging in any harmful tax practice...

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