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Puutteelliset hakuehdot

Agreements between the Republic of Finland and the States of Guernsey for incoming taxation (exchange of information, associated enterprises, double taxation with ships or aircrafts, double taxation on individuals)

Changes and notifications to the agreements:

See all the changes and notifications to the agreements from the Finnish version.

Agreement between the Republic of Finland and the States of Guernsey for the exchange of information relating to tax matters (SopS 20–21/2009)

Changes and notifications to the agreement:

SopS 32–33/2023

Whereas the Government of the Republic of Finland and the States of Guernsey ("the Parties") recognise that present legislation in Guernsey already provides for cooperation and exchange of information in criminal tax matters;

Whereas the Parties have long been active in international efforts in the fight against financial and other crimes, including the targeting of terrorist financing;

Whereas it is acknowledged that the States of Guernsey under the terms of its Entrustment from the UK has the right to negotiate, conclude, perform and, subject to the terms of this Agreement, terminate a tax information exchange agreement with the Republic of Finland;

Whereas the States of Guernsey on 21 February 2002 entered into a political commitment to the OECD’s principles of effective exchange of information;

Whereas the Parties wish to enhance and facilitate the terms and conditions governing the exchange of information relating to taxes;

Now, therefore, the Parties have agreed to conclude the following Agreement which contains obligations on the part of the Parties only:

Article 1

Scope of the Agreement

The Parties shall provide assistance through exchange of information that is foreseeably ...

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