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Office Consolidation of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Republic of Finland

Office Consolidation of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Republic of Finland (SopS 5–6/1988)

The Agreement on Social Security between Canada and Finland was signed on 28 October 1986. It entered into force on 1 February 1988.

The Agreement was amended by a Protocol which entered into force on 1 January 1997.

The text which follows shows the Agreement as amended by the Protocol.

The Government of Canada


the Government of the Republic of Finland,

Resolved to co-operate in the field of social security,

Have decided to conclude an agreement for this purpose, and

Have agreed as follows:

Part I

General Provisions

Article I


1. For the purposes of this Agreement,

(a) "Government of Canada" means the Government in its capacity as representative of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada and represented by the Minister of Employment and Immigration;

(b) "territory" means, as regards Canada, the territory of Canada; and, as regards Finland, the territory of Finland;

(c) "legislation" means the laws and regulations specified in Article II;

(d) "competent authority" means, as regards Canada, the Minister or Ministers responsible for the administration of the legislation of Canada; and, as regards Finland, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health;

(e) "competent institution" means, as regards Canada, the competent authority; and, as regards Finland, the authority from which the person concerned is entitled to receive a benefit or would be entitled to receive the benefit in question if that person were resident in Finland;

(f) "creditable period" means a period of contributions, insurance or residence, or an ...

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