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The Responsibility to Protect – Bringing New Light into the Darkness of Mass Atrocities?

Tervonen, Martta

Tutkielmat ja muut opiskelijakirjoitukset, Gradut ja muut tutkielmat


This thesis discusses a new concept in international law, the responsibility to protect (R2P), designed to stop gross human rights violations. According to the R2P, a State has the primary responsibility to protect its citizens from human rights violations. If that State, however, is unwilling or unable to fulfill this responsibility, the secondary responsibility lies within the wider international community.The aim of this thesis is to find answers to the following questions. Does the R2P form a part of international law and where can this part be found within the international legal order? What kind of elements is the R2P concept made of, and what do these elements mean in practice? With what criteria is military intervention by the international community for human protection purposes justified? And, finally: who is the right authority to decide on military interventions taken on the R2P basis?

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