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Immunities of Heads of State in the International Criminal Court, Particularly in the Case Against Omar Al Bashir

Jyrkkiö, Terhi

Tutkielmat ja muut opiskelijakirjoitukset, Gradut ja muut tutkielmat


The purpose of this Work is to discover the current content and applicability of customary law immunities protecting heads of state as well as their effect on the ICC’s ability to prosecute a head of a state not party to the Rome Statute. The ICC has issued a warrant of arrest for the incumbent Sudanese President, Omar Al Bashir, in 2009. The author argues, disagreeing with the Court’s decision, that the Rome Statute’s rules removing immunities cannot become binding on a state not party to the Statute. Only the Genocide Convention provides a legally sound basis for an obligation to arrest Al Bashir.

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