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Safeguarding shareholder investments in Russia – a corporate governance perspective

Långstedt, Jan

Tutkielmat ja muut opiskelijakirjoitukset, Gradut ja muut tutkielmat


The main objective of the thesis is to identify the relevant corporate institutions, such as governing bodies with supervisory and control functions, and corporate governance and internal control instruments, processes and policies that a foreign shareholder can utilize in Russia to exercise control over a Russian subsidiary and its management. The authorities of the management and the shareholders are initially reviewed to clarify in which extent the management is authorized to independently dispose of the subsidiary’s assets, as well as to clarify the authorities of the shareholders in relation to the management and the company. The analysis of the management’s and the shareholders’ authorities is followed by an analysis of the management‘s reporting duties and the shareholders’ right to obtain information related to the company to clarify whether a severe asymmetry of information can be expected in a Russian company.

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