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The Legal Protection of Technological Measures in Europe – Article 6 of the Copyright Directive and its Implementations in Some of the Member States of the European Union

Pulli, Sami

Tutkielmat ja muut opiskelijakirjoitukset, Gradut ja muut tutkielmat


Technological measures make it possible to limit access to and control the use of works, adding another layer of protection on top of copyright protection. However, the protection provided for by these measures alone is not felt to be enough, since for some people hacking them has become a kind of a hobby. Therefore, yet another layer of protection is needed. This protection comes in a form of legal protection against circumvention of technological measures. There are two main questions to which this thesis will try to find answers. First, what are the different ways to interpret Article 6 of the Copyright Directive (2001/29/EC)? Second, how have the Member States interpreted it?

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