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Critical Assessment of the Extraterritoriality of the EU General Data Protection Regulation

Beletski, Roman

19.2.2020, Maisteritutkielma


The aim of this work is to (1) examine the extent of the extraterritorial mechanisms of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, after which (2) a critical assessment of these mechanisms will be performed from the perspective of international law. Both of these questions will be reviewed from a mainly doctrinal point of view, with certain additional sociological arguments being presented in relation to question (1). When examining question (2), the doctrinal method will take on a critical dimension, as the assessment of reasonableness of the extraterritorial mechanisms of the GDPR will be performed using principles of public international law as a normative framework. In order to establish said framework, a review of the concepts of sovereignty, jurisdiction and extraterritoriality will take place in the beginning of the work. Due to the political nature of extraterritoriality, political viewpoints will also be considered, where relevant.


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