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Political Regulation of EU Energy Markets: Companies from Third Countries

Talus, Ben

3.2.2020, Maisteritutkielma


This research paper covers the legal and political development of the EU energy market, specifically the development of third country company access to the EU internal natural gas market. It examines the legal and political aspects of legal developments relating to access by third country companies to the EU gas market, and certain hurdles and disputes that have contributed to the present state of the market.

The research questions addressed by this paper are (1) how politics impact the development of access to the EU internal gas market for third country companies, and (2) whether the access rules can be interpreted as being discriminatory towards third country companies. The paper accordingly focuses on the treatment of third country companies that seek to access the EU market, and examines the EU’s actions, in terms of blocking or hindering certain projects’ entry into the market by treating individual actors differently from one another.



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