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Managing Rights to Non-Personal Data

Engblom, Pauli

Opinnäytetyöt, Gradut ja muut tutkielmat


The Master’s thesis discusses management of non-personal data in companies within the European Union. Non-personal data is for example data produced by Internet of Things through which natural persons cannot be identified and with which company may create value. The thesis examines non-personal data as an asset, relevant legislation to management of non-personal data and different approaches with which companies can manage non-personal data, especially contract law practises. The research aims to produce knowledge on this data economy phenomenon and to systematise management of non-personal data, especially from a legal point of view. The Master’s thesis is legal dogmatic but also law and economics approach is used. Moreover, an empirical survey on contracting practises of Finnish companies is conducted from viewpoint of non-personal data. Additionally, computer science is used to understand the research object non-personal data.

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