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Lectio praecursoria

Mäihäniemi, Beata

Liikejuridiikka 2/2018 s. 94–98
Muu kirjoitus


Google's top search results are more visible and include Google’s own comparison shopping service. Comparison shopping service makes it easier for consumers to search for products on online shopping websites and compare prices between different sellers. The Commission found Google dominant. Is it however OK for a dominant company, an information intermediary to update its algorithm to prefer its own services over the ones of its rivals? The European Commission says it is not OK and has just fined Google over 2 billion euros. The Commission stated that rival comparison shopping services were harmed because they were shown much lower in Google’s search results. Because of this anticompetitive practice, consumers tend to search more on Google than on other comparison shopping services. This doctoral thesis analyses whether the situation where information intermediaries control and deny information on the Internet could be approached by means of competition law. (Edilex-toimitus)

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