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The Requirement of ”New Public” as One of the Constituent Elements of Communication of Copyright Protected Works to the Public in Digital World Under the European Union Law

Klobučník, Lucius

Liikejuridiikka 2/2016 s. 8–44


The main aim of this paper is to analyse the “new public” requirement of communication to the public right which was introduced on the European Union level in the SGAE case. Closer attention is given not only to the SGAE case but many other subsequent cases where the “new public” requirement was used either directly in the Court of Justice of the European Union’s (CJEU) reasoning or in Advocat General’s opinion. The paper discusses cases regarding communication of copyright protected works on different media platforms, purports to find connecting points among the discussed cases and scrutinizes closely under which circumstances the “new public” was used, what were the main reasons for such usage and whether some similar or even contradicting points can be found in CJEU case law regarding the “new public” requirement of communication to the public. (Edilex-toimitus)


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