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A Science of Interests: The Project of 20th Century Positivism in International Law

García-Salmones Rovira, Mónica

Lakimies 1/2014 s. 104–107
Lyhyempi kirjoitus


For the legal positivists of the 20th Century the ‘interests’ of the subject were no longer found­ed on the (individualist) morality of modern natural law. In the era of economic interdependence that precedes globalisation, the theoretical change of scenario in the foundation of the interest goes from morality to the economy. Legal positivism adopts a philosophy of interests that aims to

explain the world as it is. This type of legal positivism is termed in the writer's dissertation economic-legal positivism. The research connects two historical events; on the one hand, the appearance of the science of international law in the positivistic sense, and on the other the consistent foundation of that ‘scientific’ law

upon the premises of economic philosophy.

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