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Recent Developments in UK Competition Law

Eccles, Richard

Kilpailuoikeudellinen vuosikirja 2014 s. 11–35


This article discusses the recent developments in UK competition law.

This article provides a summary of the key features of the UK legislative reforms that took effect in 2014 as well as a review of certain court judgments concerning the UK merger control rules which have important implications for the meaning of a merger and the question of whether a party to a merger is carrying on business in the United Kingdom so as to be subject to the UK rules. It also examines some of the most significant cases conducted by the OFT or CMA in the enforcement of the anti-trust law under the Competition Act 1998, with particular reference to internet sales. The article also discusses certain significant cases in the High Court concerning private enforcement of competition law. (Edilex-toimitus)

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