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The Bundeskartellamt’s recent case experience on Most Favored Nation -clauses imposed by Digital Platforms

Mundt, Andreas

Kilpailuoikeudellinen vuosikirja 2016 s. 35–42


With the recent unfolding of the ‘digital revolution’, the Bundeskartellamt has increasingly thrown the spotlight on the application of competition law in the online world. This is exemplified by various proceedings related to the digital economy, e.g. in re Asics, Adidas or Facebook, which attracted a lot of attention both on national and international level. Furthermore, the Bundeskartellamt made significant efforts in examining the competitive landscape that emerged in the digital economy also by a case-related assessment of scholarly theories (notably, the Bundeskartellamt prepared a paper on Market Power of Platforms and Networks1 ). ‘Most Favored Nation’ clauses (MFNs) have been and will remain of particular relevance in the casework as well as in the theoretical analysis

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