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Crime, Media, and Social Media

Melander, Sakari

JFT 2–4/2017 s. 450–459


This paper seeks to define the relation between criminal law and media in a situation where the contemporary world is heavily mediatized. In addition, the role of media has very recently significantly changed because Internet along globalization has facilitated the enormous speed of communication. The invention and massive use of contemporary social media has in a profound manner affected the way and speed in which news or even fake news are spreading in a global scale. Social media has even affected the way in which criminal cases and court proceedings are reported. This creates challenges both for traditional media and criminal law scholars. The aim of the paper is to examine the relation between criminal law, media and social media and to define a role for criminal law within the rapid development of the contemporary media culture. The aim of the paper also is to examine if media has a role in shaping the criminal justice policy and if so, what does this role look like. (Edilex-toimitus)


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