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Drawing the line between the prosecutor and the police in Finland – Two hundred years of search for best practices

Jansson, Julia

JFT 1–2/2016 s. 112–136


This article analyses the history and present day of the police-prosecutor relationship in Finland. A special emphasis is put on the division of labour in preliminary investigations. The main research question is: Why do prosecutors not supervise preliminary investigations in Finland? In order to give a thorough answer to this question, researching the historical debate concerning the strengths and weaknesses related to different ways of managing this task will be given a central role. With historical developments and discussions as background, it is possible to examine why and how the current model has been formed as it is. Sweden is used as a point of comparison for the research. This is because it has typically served as an example for Finnish reforms and has a similar legal system in many respects. My interest is in finding out why some essential parts of the Swedish model were left out of the Finnish version.

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