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The Functionality of Private Security Regulation in Finland – A Practitioner Perspective

Paasonen, Jyri – Santonen, Teemu

JFT 1–2/2016 s. 150–178


Globally, the private security industry is in transition since the traditional tasks of security authorities have been outsourced to the private sector in growing numbers. However, at the same time the regulation seems to keep falling behind of the transition progress, forcing the private industry to operate without proper judicial status. Therefore, in this study the writers analyze the private security sector operators’ views on the functionality of the regulation regarding guarding services, security check operations and maintenance of public order in Finland. As a result, the Finnish regulation does not fully measure up to today’s requirements and there is a need to clarify and unify regulation. The approach of all private security industry regulations under one common law was perceived as an alternative to improve the existing situation.

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