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Towards a Pluralistic Constitutional Understanding of State Sovereignty in the European Union? – The Concept, Regulation and Constitutional Practice of Sovereignty in Finland and Certain Other EU Member States

Mutanen, Anu

JFT 3/2015 s. 269–274
Lyhyempi kirjoitus


The article is based on the lectio praecursoria presented at the public examination of the author’s doctoral dissertation. In the doctoral dissertation, the author analyses state sovereignty from the point of view of national constitutions in the context of European constitutional law. The primary motivation for the choice of topic leans, first, on the profound impact that EU membership has had on the sovereignty of the Member States, and, second, on the paradoxical nature that state sovereignty acquires under the EU construction: states namely voluntarily join the EU and thereby restrict the very same sovereignty by which they acceded to the Union in the first place. Moreover, by approving and implementing EU treaties and their amendments the Member States have continued to accept increasing supranational elements and ever more far reaching impacts on their sovereignty. (Edilex-toimitus)

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