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Uniform interpretation of EU jurisdiction rules in jeopardy? Interaction of specialised conventions with the Brussels I Regime and the mutation of TNT v AXA

Lamont-Black, Simone

JFT 6/2014 s. 442–458


In the recent case of BAT v Exel the English courts had to reassess the interaction between international transport conventions and EU law in deciding on their jurisdiction. This article will introduce the facts of the case in British American Tobacco v Exel Europe Ltd and others of 30 October 2013 and the relevant arguments and questions on the matter of interaction of the jurisdictional systems that were presented to the English Court of Appeal. It will then proceed to explain the relevant development of European Union law on the integration of specialized conventions in the Brussels I Regime, before showing the implications to BAT v Exel and how further developments in EU case-law may guide the courts on similar issues in the future. (Edilex-redaktion)


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