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Recent Case Law of the EU Court of Justice on Competition Law (2016–2017)

Regan, Eugene

Defensor Legis 5/2017 s. 754–758


In the area of anticompetitive practices (Article 101 TFEU) and abuse of a dominant position (Article 102 TFEU), the article deals with judgments delivered during the period 2016–2017 which, in the writer's view, best illustrate the approach of the Court of Justice to this area of EU law. The first of the judgments addresses aspects of the relationship between competition law and intellectual property rights. The second judgment relates to the interaction between competition law and the internet. In the third judgment, the Court had the opportunity for the first time to clarify the jurisdiction of the Hearing Officer, the scope of the legitimate expectations that can arise by virtue of the leniency programme and the extent to which the Commission may publish information provided by a participant in the leniency programme. The last two judgments address the issue of, respectively, the application of the limitation period to a group of companies held jointly liable for an infringement of competition law and cooperation between the Commission and the national authorities. (Edilex-toimitus)

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