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Legal scholars’ views on the war in Ukraine

Jakobsson, Niko

Defensor Legis 1,5/2022 s. 310–311
Muu kirjoitus


Russia’s attack on Ukraine on 24 February 2022 has inspired many legal scholars to rethink the legal rules of war: what legal means are there really to intervene in the situation, what are the absolute and applicable rules, which forums are competent to deal with these issues, and where lie the jurisdictional boundaries between different legal authorities?

This first-ever special issue of Defensor Legis explores the aforementioned themes and questions through a series of articles written by legal scholars. All the articles in this issue are available in the public domain, including English translations to mark the special occasion. This scale of publication is designed to draw the attention of not just the international legal community but especially lawyers working to help Ukraine. The articles are written based on reasoned, scientific arguments. This is an important premise for the interpretation of the legal rules that apply to the current crisis and on which legal systems and constitutional states are built.


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