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Patented Standards and the Tragedy of Anti-commons

Lee, Nari

Artikkelit 18.12.2008, Asiantuntija-artikkeli


This article first places patented standards in the debates of property theories, and evaluate the application of four strands of property theory that have been influential in the IP literature. In particular, this paper asks if the lessons from property theories, such as anticommons theory, can be translated to the understanding problems surrounding standardization in information and communications technology [hereinafter ICT] industry. This is because a recent legal change propertizes any useful processing of information as patent eligible subject matter, and thus allows the claims of ownership in useful and essential information. If the changed context for the creation and the adoption of standards are direct results of the propertization of IP, would property based understanding of IP help us to limit the negative effects? Particularly, this article discusses if it would help to explain whether rational choices could lead to irrational outcome, thus result in a tragedy that calls for an institutional interference.

  • Julkaistu aiemmin teoksessa Teollisoikeudellisia kirjoituksia VII

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