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Trademarks in Fan Products and the Scope of Exclusivity in the European Union

Raitolehto, Aleksandra

Artikkelit 6.9.2013, Asiantuntija-artikkeli


The article examines unauthorised use of a sign identical to a proprietor’s trademark, which is applied on fan products. It will be particularly addressed what kind of discussion the ECJ’s case Arsenal v Reed has provoked concerning the core concepts of the trademark law. The paper discusses the issues of ‘trademark use’, the protected functions of a trade-mark, the protection of reputable marks and the limitations to trade mark rights in the context of trademarks affixed on fan products. Fans’ interests will be analysed under these findings. Where trademark is not adequate form of protection for signs applied on fan products, the study observes collateral forms of intellectual property, such as a design right and a copyright, as alternative IP protection strategies of a proprietor. The paper concludes what kind of implications these findings have of IP license agreements.

  • Immateriaalioikeussopimukset projektijulkaisu 2013

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