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Free Movement of Services in the EU – Finding the Scope and Limits of Remuneration

Markkanen, Niko

Acta Legis Turkuensia 1/2014 s. 97–118


This article examines the notion of 'remuneration' found in Article 57 in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The general focus is on the free movement of services, with the freedom of establishment falling out of the scope of this article. More accurately, I will purely concentrate on Articles 56 and 57 TFEU, more precisely on the term 'remuneration' found in Article 57 TFEU. This article tries to answer the following questions: what falls under the notion of remuneration, how far does remuneration reach, and why is remuneration required? The vast number of judgments by the European Court of Justice (ECJ or the Court) shall aid in finding the answers.

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