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Concepts of Harm and State-Corporate Crime in Public Electronic Health System Procurement

Ripatti, Lotta

Acta Legis Turkuensia 2/2023 s. 29–69


This article focuses on the concepts of harm and state-corporate crime in the case of Oy Apotti Ab and the Apotti information system. Apotti is an electronic health record (EHR) -system that is used in public health care of Western Uusimaa in Finland. The software behind the system is developed by American Epic Systems corporation. This article aims to answer the following research questions 1) Did the malfunctions and errors in the Apotti -system cause harm, or does the use of the system have potential to do so? 2) Does the public procurement of the Apotti-system have elements of state-corporate crime? This study pursues to give an insight to public procurement of EHRs, the potential consequences of issues related to unsuccessful introduction, which, additionally, might elaborate various aspects of social harm. The method chosen in this article is a case study, for it is the most suitable one. In this study information was gathered from various bibliographical and online sources. Conclusions regarding the forms of harm include individual and collective harm, such as dissipation of public resources and health sector employee hours. Concerning the elements of state-corporate crime, the study findings suggested there are implications of harm caused by post-implementation issues causing poor usability, and by the complex procurement process, as the company supplying the software to Finland was involved before invitations to tender had been issued.


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